I think I'm having an allergic reaction, what should I do?

This article only provides general information and not medical advice specific to your situation.
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Drug allergies can range from minor skin rashes and hives to rare serious reactions such as difficulty breathing and anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis symptoms usually occur within minutes of exposure to an allergen in your medication but can occur a few hours after.

If you suspect you may be having a mild reaction to your medication, please discontinue use immediately and seek treatment from your local GP or Emergency Department.

Once it is safe to do so, please update us on the outcome of your face-to-face assessment via the support page here. We will put you in touch with your treating practitioner to check in and discuss ongoing treatment.


Anaphylaxis is a life threatening emergency, please call 000 if you experience any of the following symptoms:

❗Breathing difficulties, swelling to the tongue, lips or throat, facial swelling, severe skin reaction, severe vomiting or abdominal pain, a weak and rapid pulse, chest pain, rapid progression of symptoms, confusion, sudden voice hoarseness or inability to speak, changes in vision, dizziness or fainting❗